All posts by Derrick Peavy

About Derrick Peavy

Sometimes entrepreneur. Former foster. Derrick Peavy is one of the millions of former foster children, having livd in seven foster homes between 1976 and 1989. His final foster home was the right home and became his family. Follow Derrick on Twitter @SurvivingFoster or on Quora

Killing kids

So there is this wonderful story about a couple in Philadelphia who starved their 3 year old to death.  Their daughter weighed 11 pounds at the time of her death.  What do you say when you read things like this?

Honestly, there isn’t much to say.

But, there is more to the story.  While the general population has a hard time fathoming the idea of starving one’s child – TO DEATH – you might note within the story that the couple had 4 other children, including a twin of the 3 year old.
Continue reading Killing kids

Getting God Off Your Chest, Finally

Search the web for former fosters handing out advice, and you will probably find 9 sites talking about God’s awesome plan for foster children to every 1 site that is simply telling you the truth about their life and what the future holds for 99% of us.

So, if you are a former foster, or about to “age-out” of foster care, according to most former foster advice sites, there are two paths ahead of you (and only two):

  • Prison
  • God

And in prison you will find God, so it’s God by capitulation and you should just go ahead and get it over with.
Continue reading Getting God Off Your Chest, Finally

2 Year Old Killed by Foster Parent

(Update: Here is a link to the “Texans Care for Children” web site.)

OK, we’re supposed to say that the foster parent has been “charged” with shaking, and beating the 2 year old to death.

This kind of story is way to common and explains why foster care needs to end now. Not tomorrow, NOW!

That this happened in Texas shouldn’t be a surprise.
Continue reading 2 Year Old Killed by Foster Parent

How not to date.

So you survived foster care. Multiple homes. Crazy people. Even crazier kids created by ever crazier people.

Now, you’re an adult. And you’re finally, finally on your own.  Time to date, have some fun.

I’m not about to claim super dater status. After all, I’m past 40 and married. But two decades ago, I did manage to have my share of dating fun. So, I’m going to offer some tips here. Take them. Leave them. Whatever. If it doesn’t apply to you, no problem.
Continue reading How not to date.